This page is an attempt at organizing the various and sundry threads in the Comics forum at Barbelith. Enjoy.
Grant Morrison
The Invisibles
- Anarchy For The Masses (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
- Sir Miles gay?
- Ragged Robin Writing The Invisibles
- What does King Mob mean by "Tripping Darlings"?
- Invisibles Movie
- Billy Chang is the key to it all?
- "No Heart" in Apocalipstick
- Invisibles
- Mister Six: Outside the Game
- Mister Six?
- What is the main theme/purpose in the "Arcadia" arc?
- Page 24 of Black science #4
- Invisibles philosphy 101 - Making friends with your enemies
- What happens when you die in The Invisibles world?
- Dehumanizing the Invisibles?
- Orlando, he of the white suit
- Invisibles video game
- Another Invisibles Question: Does Gideon Stargrave Exist?
- "Grant Morrison, in the Invisibles, can't do race/gender/sexuality to save his life" Discuss
- Documentary that may be of interest to Invisibles fans:
- Repellent universe, dark energy in Invisibles
- The Harlequinade
- Invisibles Volume Three Observations/Questions
- Another quick Invisibles question, Why Boy?
- Invisibles question: Sir Miles and Beryl?
- Why the sudden wealth in Invisible questions?
- The Outer Church
- So... what exactly is a "fiction suit?"
- Ok... did anyone get Invisibles Vol.3 on November 13?
- Tarquin in vol.3
- Itty bitty Invisibles question, says [SPOILERS]
- Ok, why were the Invisibles not good guys, and Sir Miles not a bad guy?
- Who was your favorite Invisibles character and why?
- Someone should reprint the Invisibles letter columns
- A (hell of a lotta) questions about "The Invisibles" that are nagging on me...
- Ultraviolence in The Invisibles: Why?
- Invisibles Vol:3
- Counter Strike-The Invisibles
- Invisible Motif: The Blank Page
- Invisible Themes
- Can the Invisibles stand the test of time?
- When is the Invisibles Vol. 3 going to be in paperback?
- TimeMachineOrigami
- The Invisibles are here!
- Invisibles in order of appearence
- The Invisibles
- Favorite Invisibles characters?
- The Invisible College and the Glass Ceiling
- * Invisibles & Postmodernism
- invisibles questions in house of commons?
- Invisibles: The Special Edition
- invisibles question
- I miss The Invisibles.
- Edith-Bobby
- Invisibles, Volume 3
- Just Imagine Stan Lee's Invisibles
- King Mobs Fashion sense
- Invisibles 2012 document
- Invisibles 1:2
- The Invisibles-The Prisoner
- vol1.8 pg 20
- Was There Pressure to Get the Last “Invisibles” Done on Schedule?
- Ragged Robin
- FF1234/Invisibles Similarities
- Entropy In The U.K. & my buddy Sir Miles.
- Hand of glory (obvious, perhaps)
- Invisibles last "sentence"
- Invisibles Issues
- Entropy in the U.K.
- The biggest mystery of them all
- Annotations
- Tesco?
- 100% (see Pope, Paul)
- Alias (see Bendis, Brian Michael)
- Amazing Spider-Man (see Romita, Jr., John; Straczinsky, J. Michael)
- Bendis, Brian Michael
- and Alias
- and Powers
- Burden, Bob
- and Flaming Carrot
- Byrne, John
- John "Hitler" Byrne
- Campbell, Eddie
- and Alec: How To Be An Artist
- Chick, Jack
- Jack Chick
- Dork (see Dorkin, Evan)
- Dorkin, Evan
- dork number nine's eltingville story
- Fawkes, Ray
- and Spookshow
- Flaming Carrot (see Burden, Bob)
- Gerber, Steve
- and Howard The Duck
- Lee, Stan
- Lee, Stan
- Liefeld, Rob
- the liefeld column
- Mignola, Mike
- and Hellboy
- Miller, Frank
- and Dark Knight Returns
- O'Neill, Kevin
- Interview
- Pope, Paul
- and 100%
- Powers (see Bendis, Brian Michael)
- Robinson, Darick
- and Fury
- Sim, Dave
- and Cerebus
- Smith, John
- and underachievement
- Straczinsky, J. Michael
- and Amazing Spider-Man
- Talbot, Brian
- and The Adventures of Luther Arkwright
- Veitch, Rick
- son of a Veitch
- Archer & Armstrong
- Strangehaven 13
- Advertisement... Cheap comics for UK people
- Absolute Fluff - 6 Degrees
- manga favourites
- G. I. Joe
- Island of Forgotten Comics
- anybody here mainstream-phobic?
- recommendations
- New Hero
- What online comics do you read?
- The Man from room X
- Did anyone like the new Hawkman intro?
- Help: Im losing interest in comics
- Marvel reveals its new internal ratings system
- Summertime and the jams are plentiful
- Superman proposal ??
- Big plug for my comics work
- the late comics problem
- Whats yer local like?
- Lost in the stars
- Cheeky Barbelth Chappy
- Iceman Limited Series (lovely picture)
- Never Mind The Comics
- Even more preview action!
- Flunitrazepam's Thread
- coda...
- Shit! Don't tell Cameron!
- On the Shoulders of Giants
- Spider-Man - love him or hate him?
- Questions about the comics 'scene'
- Authority Version 2.0: don't click if you don't wanna know who survives...
- Miracleman - The Plot Thickens
- I knew it!
- Helllp (from Londoners particularly)...
- Neil Gaiman speaks out on Miracle Man
- Embaressing comic back covers
- Queen & Country
- Fantastic Feats of Modern Engineering
- Ms Mystic (and comics illiteracy)
- Someone help me!
- Popularity
- Speculation
- World's Finest
- Hollywood co-op
- How Do You Treat Yours? Are you going to Hell?
- Wildstorm history?
- Marvel's silent month
- World's smallest comic festival?
- Fans
- kitsch kool overload
- Recently Read (Spoilers very probable!)
- Wildstorm to become a republic?
- Online comics
- Comic Shops in London
- The Seven Ages of Comic Buying
- Comics- Zine Ideas
- Marvel Twats
- Marvel bans smoking.
- comic books after 911
- Claremont In On Super-Consistency?
- Black September
- Authority 26
- Life imitates Supmerman.
- did anyone read anything good this week?
- New stuff this week: Fury, War Machine, G I Joe & The Establishment
- I live down the hall from a comics genius
- porchmonkey comix
- 2000AD gems
- creating a super hero lecture
- Get Fuzzy
- A Terrorist's Comic?
- comics nostalgia not what it used to be
- Nick Cave Comic
- Planetary jpgs needed, please
- Collector pricing question
- Humanoids Publishing
- Image Comics, what the hell...
- hope and melancholy in superhero comics
- I want a [blank] for a head.
- Superhero casting decisions
- Star Wars Comic Worth Reading
- US 2000 AD trade paperbacks...
- strange boxes at the top of pages.
- Is Batman a Superhero?
- Corporate superhero spandex fanboy filth
- worst comic ever
- Comic Book Exhibition in Glasgow
- cool people who read comics
- Heroes in the UK...
- Favorite political cartoonery
- Yorkshire comic bods?
- Authority postponed indefinetly
- Kiss This: swaps?
- Strangers in Paradise
- What comics are you embarassed about your fandom of?
- The Marvel Universe
- Cool new stuff
- Inappropriate? You think?
- Online shops
- WOW! Comics!
- David Mack's Kabuki: Metamorphosis
- NYC comic shops
- Johnny the Homicidal Maniac
- Amazing Spider-Man #36
- The best comic character EVER
- WhatIthoughtofthisweekscomics (spoilers!)NEW !
- Spiderman WTC issue.
- The Establishment #3 - this issue's impenetrable reference to cult English TV
- Christmas wishes to ease the budget.
- London comic shops
- I just bought a whole load of really cheap comics at a discount bookshop..
- Enhance your X-Appeal
- Pre-Crisis
- Where's the Crumb shit?
- Exsqueeze me?
- I'm no fan of Frank Miller
- War Machine
- I hate the Kuberts.
- What is this (X-Men related)
- the right to criticise.
- where's the ultimate comicbooks shop in london?
- marvel trades
- Authority Brave New World Part II: Worth the wait ?(spoilers)
- The perfect Christmas present!
- Nuff Said
- Your perfect 2000AD
- Fray
- Jim Shooter to work with Marvel again
- Judge Dredd- what is the point?
- The Tale of One Bad Rat
- 2000 AD - it's shit again, isn't it?
- Comics this week
- Todd Mcfarlane; Arch-Wanker
- Sam Kieth, sicko?
- Frazer Irving interview
- "I am Tony Blair"....
- New Two-Headed Tales out...
- Funnies
- Kissing Chaos
- Dan DeCarlo
- Rucka's new spider-man stuff
- THE NEW 8-BALL!!!!
- If YOU wrote the Authority, vol. 2
- how do you get a job writing comics?
- The Guns of Avalon
- Silly fatbeard, (superhero) comics are for____!
- The Hulk
- Bye Bye!
- Your first comic
- Frank Miller in SFX
- Comic book mail-order UK
- Millar/Authority
- Scripts
- RIP John Buscema
- What is a Superhero?
- This week's (apparent dearth of) comics...
- As usual, a cry for advice.
- Squirrel Girl (?)
- In Bed With The Establishment
- Lenore #9
- 300
- Jewish superheroes?
- !mpact Comics
- Don't Say Anything
- Ashley Wood
- Berger, Carlin get promoted at DC
- Hmmm
- Now that I mention it.
- Plastic Forks
- Comic Fans!
- Stuff I'm reading
- On The Business of Selling Comics...
- Establishment #5
- Haven? X-Man?
- Chemicals
- Bluntman & Chronic Graphic Novel
- Diabolik?
- 24 hour comic challenge
- Fandabidoozi!
- Comics 2002 "festival" - guess who's going to be there
- El Diablo
- small press anyone?
- Hey... knowledge
- The death of Bruce Wayne?
- This weeks comics
- For Gettosake
- Argh.
- Revamps.
- Hellboy RPG
- Comics Criticism
- Kurt Schaffenberger. 1920-2002.
- More Miracleman fun
- herbie the robot!!??!?!
- The Golem's Mighty Swing
- Steve Dillon
- Monarchy
- The Establishment - Referencewatch #5
- ABC Warriors
- BTW, the new Stray Bullets.....
- Help on incredibly queer war comics please
- Phoebe Gloeckner
- Woo! Go Cameron!
- online comics retailers
- obscure comicbook questions
- USENET Comic recommendations link
- Late Night Comic Talk
- Turning the tables.
- Authority #28
- Help! - Quick!
- Comics Questions for Non-Comics Readers.
- Are Delphi Forums down?
- Seeking Good Comics.
- The Most Original, Mind-Warping Thread EVER!!!
- 2000AD new stuff: Shakara 'n' S. Heaven
- Peep This!
- Mightiest Ron!
- Establishment 6 Referencewatch
- Do you remember?
- Ted Rall | To Afghanistan and Back
- on line hypersigil comic! read and jizz yourself.
- Recommended Reading for Beginners.
- Bill Sienkiewicz
- Did Morrison Write Authority #28?
- Oh, by the way... TROLLING
- Bill Jemas' writing credits.
- Millar Interview @ Sequential Tart
- Judge Dredd: 25 years of the Law
- Origins of admiration...
- Slaine: The Horned God/ Treasures of Britain!
- Shameless Self-Promotion
- Selling comics?
- Cola Madnes
- Harvey Awards drama
- Essential Howard The Duck
- Nothing good came out this week, did it?
- Your favourite storyteller/artist
- sorry, did i say the horned god? I meant warrior beyond time.
- What Would Superman Do?
- the e l e m e n t a l s
- The frustration of Casey
- ted mckeever doing sam kieth
- Marvel's B-Sides
- Metropol
- Grendel?
- Does anybody remember Bloom County?
- Lee/Kirby/Ditko etc etc
- Marvel's June Solicitations
- Kyle Baker
- Underrated atists
- POUNDED: Wood, Rolston, Oni, punk rock!
- Comicbook letter columns
- Seth | It's A Good Life, If You Don't Weaken
- More fun with online HYPERSIGIL comics
- Image Comics: 10 years after
- Open Source Comic Book Characters
- Green Arrow
- The use of previews
- Krazy Kat & Little Nemo
- Save Top Shelf
- what's the point of limited serialization?
- Drawn and Quarterly need your help too
- Tell me about Miracleman
- Ted Rall in the news.
- the worst comic artists ever
- Please help me buy some intelligent comics before I crack up.
- Scott McCloud at the BBC
- Buffy Comics
- Pulp
- Getting comics thru the post
- Giffen's JLA - The Return
- Little Nemo
- Quarter bin treasures
- Copyright and such..
- Online Comics Club
- Witchdoctor
- Puma Blues
- Authority question
- This Week's Comics
- New addition to the X franchise?
- Cages reissue
- Most Bizzare Fanfic ever
- Shoot - Online Comics Club
- Blade
- Comics this week 4/24
- My self-published mini-comic.
- Queer heroes
- For the Love of Ham.
- Gaming Comics
- the new X-Factor
- See you in the funny papers
- WHEN I AM KING: Online Comic Club?
- Spiderman: from comic to movie and back again
- National Free Comic Book Day
- John Romita, Jr.
- Comic shops near/ around Kensington
- My comic is on the internet
- Speakers on comics
- A question of distribution
- HELP: Diamond Solicitations
- Stan Lee
- Local man does good. cam stewart
- Dave McKean and social work
- New Home for Cheeks, the Toy Wonder?
- Mike Allred's Madman
- Remakes in comics:
- Classical comicbooks
- The Fucking 80's
- Spider-man's Tangled Web #14: The Last Shoot
- AUTHORITY no More...
- Simplicity
- My New Filing Technique Is Unstoppable
- Shot Callerz
- "The comics community sure is catty..."
- Clowes
- Mainstream Comics News!
- Cartoon Diaries
- Hothead Paisan
- Rob Liefeld + J. Lo =
Tank Girl (1)
Dark Knight Strikes Back (1)
Dark Knight Strikes Twice!!! (Major spoiler)
Dark Knight?
Dark Knight Returns #3??
Shaky Kane (1)
The Ultimate Ultimates???
Blade of the Immortal (1)
Transformers (1) (2) (3)
Captain America
John Ney Rieber's Captain America
The Brotherhood (1)
ACME Novelty Library
ACME nominated for a real award!
comic wins book award shock.
Can a comic book be a novel? idiots on Jimmy Corrigan...
Paul Pope

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