ARe yOu inVISiBle?
Okay, kids. Here's your assignment. Show the man where it's at, who's who, and what's up. Post flyers, draw pictures, conjure demons. Confuse the opposition with wit and intelligence. Take your message to the streets, down dark alleys, and into the minds of those that remain in the dark. Don't be different for difference's sake, but don't maintain the status quo for their sake. Inform yourself and others. Look beyond the facade. Think, don't flock. Under the sidewalk, the beach.
That is all...
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Hello, and welcome.
This page is dedicated to the heart and soul of the Underground. We are the invisible, and
these are our stories.
Your co-conspirators include:
Cavender, Amy
"occupation: human sexuality educator/grad. student
hobbies: avoiding capital letters, reading things about titillating and/or unsavory
aspects of human nature, drinking, shooting at things, and seeking out leopard-pattern
clothing items
music: meat beat manifesto, afghan whigs, american analog set, suede, pixies, blur,
massive attack, and so forth...
website: give me your credit card number first!"
de la Vega, Chris
"Name: Christopher Matthew de la Vega
Residence: Berkeley, CA.
Occupation: Undergraduate dramatic arts major/english major at UC Berkeley
Hobbies 'n stuff: Hmm. Selective brain change experiments (read: use and abuse of
psychadelics while referencing Crowley, Leary, Wilson, etc.). Reading of philosophy,
sci-fi, "real" literature, and whatever I can get my hands on. Performance in
live theatre (musicals, Shakespeare, modern legitimate theater, what have you). Being
abused by the motion picture industry. Mail bombing the Golden Globe people for giving Jim
Fucking Carrey (his actual middle name) the best actor award. Flirting shamelessly with
men and women alike. I'm in between girlfriends so I'm aloud to do that, and for some
reason gay men keep hitting on me in clubs, so what can I do? (to all of you english
majors, I'm reasonably sure the last sentence was a run on, but I don't care, so there)
Maybe one day I'll sleep with one of them. Who knows?
Musical tastes: The Legendary Pink Dots, Tones on Tail, Bauhaus, Joy Division, Echo and
the Bunnymen, The Smiths, The Cure, Cevin Key, The Velvet Underground, Tori Amos, Bjork,
and many, many, more."
Eckert, Chris
"Picture from series of Communist Heroes portraits commisioned for Red Lyle's
Communist Party Machine. Chris does not usually appear so stern.")
"Tiger Beat Profile:
Name - Christopher R. Eckert, Esq.
DOB - 16.Nov.78
Base of Operations: Lawrence, KS; Towaco, NJ
web: http:/ (real domain coming whenever he makes an effort, hopefully after he
updates the thing)
Turn ons: Europop-pop, unnatural hair colors, motor oil (smell), vanilla (smell), garlic
(taste+smell), fire (smell+sight+touch) Teletubbies, Uncle Duke, The Shaft of Light, cults
Turn offs: dogma, onions, one-button-mouses, IE 4.0, Catholic Guilt, fishmongers, beer,
Career: after being turned down for the role of Shane McMahon in the World Wresting
Federation, Luke Pinkerton spent the months of June and July in a summerstock production
of 'You Can't Take It With You', and began the 1998-1999 school year portraying Chris
Eckert, a student at the University of Kansas. Luke can be seen bringing down the house in
his performance at
various spots around Lawrence, making freqent in-character appearances at local record
shops and the college radio station, KJHK. Luke's other roles are too numerous to do
justice in this small a space, but include his Emmy award-winning turn as "Jazz's
white friend" on the 'speed' episode of The Fresh Prince of Bel Air, a memorable
supporting role in Cop and a Half, and
his frequent guest appearances on Law & Order as the youngest judge ever, James
"Doogie" Carlsyle.
Luke resides in Lake Hiawatha, NJ with his wife Laura and their two dogs."
Fitch, Kristen
"Kat likes to play with
Fairies, and not just because she's in theater. She is 21 as of St. Patrick's Day, and
very glad of that fact, even if she avoids green beer and beer in general like the plague,
except for that wonderful brew known only as Schlitz! If Kat ever had free time, she'd
spend it writing little things in her journal (but she's not a writer,honest!), drinking
large amounts of coffee with Chip while discussing everything from their shitty lovelives
to random bits of trivia tof antasies about rubbing Matt Pickens' head. She doesn't
actually *read*the Invisibles, but she's heard a damn lot about it. When she grows up,she
wants to be a Methodist minister who will subvert the boredom of the masses (Strike a blow
for the Revolution from within, baby!). Kat has many aliases, including Kristin, Kris,
Fortune, and Kat, but *never*Kristy or Kitten. She will most likely beat Chip up when she
reads her description here."
Grimshaw, Chip
"Chip is 22
years old and currently searching for some way to make that age special. His passtimes
include trying to find the most interesting thing possible to do in his first
post-undergrad year, drumming on any available surface, and staying up until ungodly hours
drinking obnoxious amounts of coffee and discussing extraordinarily unimportant things
with those he loves. One probably wouldn't pick him out of a crowd, but his friends know
him immediatly upon sight. He likes his puppies, his friends, his friends' puppies, and
Harold Bloom. He is currently not in London and very unhappy with that fact.. Chip does
not dance. At parties, Chip is the DJ or bartender, and if he were a Spice Girl, he'd be
'I'm-gonna-go-shoot-myself-cause-I'm-a-Spice-Girl' Spice. Chip smokes like it's his job,
and he loves his gotee."
Hirth, Matt
"Aliases: Darrian, Skabba
Age: 21
Places of residence: Athens and Cleveland Ohio
Web Page: not yet
Music of choice: Ska (REAL ska, not shit like No Doubt and Save Ferris), swing, showtunes,
and literally anything except for new country.
Other interests: Movies, smoking, comics (surprise!), reading, video games, drinking,
role-playing, playing pool, bitching about lack of female (or male for that matter)
Stuff you may or may not care to know: I'm a junior english major at Ohio University who
plans on going to law school if I can get off my fat ass and stop procrastinating. I'm a
jewish (vehemently) anti-racist skinhead with far left politics leaning towards socialism.
Um, I'm Chip's sidekick and I smoke like I'm training Chip for his job (see his entry for
explanation). That's pretty much it for me. Oh yeah. I forgot. I'm the dumb one."
Holloway, Deric
"Your friendly
neighborhood page moderator. Anything you might want to know about me can be found here."
Jellinek ,Anna
"name: anna, aka macavity
age: hey, i'm the mystery kitty!
occupation: i'd tell you, but then i'd have to kill you...
vague description: i'm a self-confessed geek with intellectual pretensions
oh, you mean a physical description! short and mouthy with dark hair and big boobs (i
think you get the picture!)
likes: vodka...lots of films...comics (lovely lovely comics!)...sunshine...all those
things you used to do as a kid, like watching for shapes in the clouds, looking at the
stars, building sandcastles and so on...being a pretentious geek...talking an awful
lot...flirting with matt and ulysses...lots of music...reading in the bath...and of
course, pretending to work when i'm posting to the list (love the list! it makes me think,
and the people are lovely)...
pet peeves: big groups of tourists who stand at the bottom of the escalator in a clump
(this always happens when i'm in a hurry)...some of my colleagues...beaurocracy...being
afflicted with psoriasis...the way guys all group reeaally close around the shelves in
comics shops, as if there's something dirty about what they're doing....and never
apologise when they crash into you...
question: why do all the best people live nowhere near me?
anything else? yeah. i've already suggested that the list members meet up next year. the
comic may be finished, but the list is gonna go forever, baby! any suggestions on a place
and a time of year might be useful....."
Keller, Benjamin
The official list bartender.
Pickens, Matt
"Pertinent info? Biographical
detail? Hmm...well, I'm a perpetual undergraduate, a former trombonist, and a disgruntled
waiter. DOB 14Dec73, 5'10", right handed, and cursed with whatever the exact opposite
of a beautiful singing voice might be. I like the night; daytime just seems _wrong_ to me.
I'm gay, but not practicing (not for lack of desire, alas...). I have entirely too many
interests for a sane person, but I'm not really an expert, or even particularly learned,
in anything. Web page technically exists at
, but it's just something I threw together one night and have been meaning to update for,
like, two years."
Piraeus, Zero
"Vital stats: Age, 26. DoB: 15th July 1972 [the day after the french revolution;
the day before the bomb]. General location: Sheffield, England.
* Question: How many points do you get for a K in Scrabble?"
Samstag, Oliver
Everything you read, see or hear about the person in the above picture is true in some
sense, false in some sense, meaningless in some sense, true and false in some sense, true
and meaningless in some sense, false and meaningless in some sense, and true and false and
meaningless in some sense.
D.o.B.: 8th of March in the Year of our Fnord 1972.
Profession: Reality Adjuster
Confession: Church of S.anctimonious A.nthropocentric M.isanthropes
Base of Operations: Ludwigshafen, Germany
Known Aliases: Oliver Samstag
Cover Story: This deep-cover operative actually believes he is a failing undergraduate
wasting his life reading comic books and subversive (hah!) literature and coaching a
baseball team. If all goes according to plan the operative should be ready for deployment
sometime around Christmas 2012.
Go forth and signify!"
Ulysses 2000
"Photo is guaranteed to
be out of date, what with me being a pretentious brit-pop mod bastard who pays entirely
too much energy on his hair style. I am presently working as a digital printmaker in
Los Angeles but previous incarnations include auto detailer, pretentious guy in alt rock
band who pays entirely too much attention to his hair, boyfriend, effeminate gothguy, role
playing geek, master of the whip, son, disgruntled writer of bad poetry, and many more. I
am addicted to ideas and intelligent discussion, a trait that has kept me glued to my
eudora to read the fine postings from the invisibles list.Oh... and my real name is Adam
(sort of anyway..)
Faves: music, dancing, Greg Araki movies, Robert Anton Wilson, and more dancing.
Not so Faves: cumquats, squeeky wheels, and people who take 15 into the under ten checkout
line (just went shopping)"
Wilson, Thomas
Weight=125 lbs.
Tom lives in Toledo, Ohio and quits shitty jobs with alarming frequency. Tom writes
little demented comics stories and wishes that he could draw. Tom despises the
Belgian (Have to focus anger somewheres) people and their culture. Tome once watched
in horror/amusement while his brother chased a prostitute with an empty gin bottle.
Tom loves America! Let's hear it for Tom! Come on everybody!"
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